13 Mayıs 2020 Çarşamba

Finnish Language,English Spoken in Turku,Finnish and Turkish similarities

The Finnish language is beautiful and sounds good, but it is also a difficult and long language.
I liked the Finnish language. I enjoyed learning a lot.
My courses included Finnish lessons.
I learned a little Finnish.
Minun nimi on Sıla.Olen kaksikymmentä vuotta vanha.
Olen kolmannen vuoden sairaanhoitajaopiskelija Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa.Olen Turkkilainen.Rakastan Suomea.

The majority of the people in Finland speak English.English is among the widely used foreign language.
Therefore, I did not have much difficulty. They tried to help with everything.For example, when buying something at the market, I often consulted someone with finnish people and they helped.

Of course, there are many similar words in terms of sound and meaning between the two original languages. These similarities and identities take us to one origin. Many words from Finnish, Hungarian, Bulgarian (old) languages ​​have left their places to Slavic Latin words. Many original words still exist in Finnish and Hungarian languages.
The fact that there are no artifacts in Finnish, as in Turkish, proves that the two sibling languages ​​are from the same family.
Me (old shape min)> mina, you> sina, he (moment of real shape)> han
This similarity between me is one of the most prominent features showing that two languages ​​are related.
Again, the interesting forms of these words are the same as in Turkish.
The affinity suffix this language is the suffix -in,-un. The forms of  ben-im> minun, sen-in> sinun
, on-un> han on are like live evidence that there are many similarities between the two languages.
Thanks to the more radical and more scientific researches to be done, the relations between these and similar Ural Altaic languages ​​should be examined more systematically.

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